With the attention of the Party, State, Party committees, authorities and armed forces at all levels, the life and socio-economic situation of ethnic minority people in Ha Tinh province in recent years have had many positive changes. Many projects and National Target Programs have been effectively implemented.
As the unit assigned to ensure national security on the border of Ha Tinh province, in recent times, under the direction of the Provincial Police Department, the Internal Security Department has closely coordinated with Party committees, authorities at all levels, and armed forces in the area in mobilizing and ensuring security on the border, so that people can promote their cultural identity, gradually access information, laws, and innovate in production.
In order to ensure the people's right to access information, over the past years, the Party and the State have paid attention to building and promulgating many policies and legal regulations to promptly meet practical requirements, focusing on the right to access information for ethnic minorities. Ensuring the people's right to access information through synchronous solutions and correct policies and guidelines of the Party and the State has in fact brought about positive results, contributing to promoting and enhancing the role of the people, including ethnic minorities, in social activities and national development.
However, after reviewing the Chut ethnic minority area in Rao Tre village, there is still no free internet according to the Prime Minister's Decision on implementing support for fixed broadband Internet access services for ethnic minority support points applying information technology under the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas by 2030, phase I: 2021-2025.
With the spirit of mutual love, sharing the joys and sorrows and supporting people in accessing information, technology and public services, on August 9, on the occasion of the traditional Lap Lo festival of the Chut ethnic group in Rao Tre village, Huong Lien commune, Huong Khe district, the Internal Security Department of Ha Tinh Provincial Police directly gave gifts to households and prestigious people in the Chut ethnic group area; at the same time, piloted the installation of a free lifetime internet system for ethnic groups to support information, disseminate laws, production experiences of regions and build new rural areas.

The “free internet for ethnic minorities” system is a new model deployed by the unit on the Vietnam - Laos border, including villages, hamlets, and community cultural houses in ethnic minority areas in Huong Khe, Vu Quang, and Huong Son districts. This model not only creates opportunities for internet access, but also connects ethnic minority areas and authorities at all levels to connect and support, especially online public services, and supports students, households in accessing information, community tourism, and supports the police of border communes in installing security cameras on traffic axes and routes.
The Chut people (also known as the Sach people, the Ruc people, the Arem people...) are groups of people who live mainly in caves, maintaining their lives by hunting and gathering. More than 60 years ago (1958), people in Huong Khe district saw some "strangers" who did not speak Kinh fluently, going to the market to exchange birds and hunted animals for rice, salt, knives... Following their tracks, the Chut people were found in caves in the west of Quang Binh province. In 1991, when the Ha Tinh Border Guard patrolled the border, they discovered a group of about 20 Chut people living in a cave in the Truong Son mountain range on the Vietnam-Laos border. Afterwards, this group of people were brought to live in Rao Tre village, Huong Lien commune (Huong Khe district, Ha Tinh) until now. |
Source: https://daibieunhandan.vn/dia-phuong/lap-dat-mien-phi-internet-tron-doi-cho-dong-bao-dan-toc-o-ha-tinh-i383819/
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