In order to create a source and build a team of young cadres associated with training, fostering, planning, arranging, using, and appointing cadres to hold leadership and management positions at all levels of the Ministry for the period 2023 - 2026, with a vision to 2030, recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs organized for the first time an examination to select outstanding cadres, civil servants, and public employees to participate in the project to train and foster a source of young leaders at all levels of the Ministry.
Reporter: Dear Minister, can you tell us more about the ideas and goals of the project to train and develop young leaders at all levels of the Ministry?
Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra: Personnel work is one of the most important tasks, “the key of the key”. Therefore, we always identify building and creating a source of young cadres as a breakthrough in personnel work to ensure a continuous and steady transition between generations of cadres.
The objective of our project is to create sources, train, foster, and build a team of young cadres with qualities, capacity, and prestige, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation. At the same time, we will link the creation of young cadres with training, fostering, planning, arranging, using, and appointing cadres to hold leadership and management positions at all levels of the Ministry for the period 2023 - 2026, with a vision to 2030.
Training and development are carried out comprehensively, practically, effectively, and appropriately for each subject to improve the capacity of the Ministry's young staff. We have proactively coordinated with prestigious and experienced domestic and foreign training and development institutions in fostering knowledge and leadership and management skills; fostering knowledge and skills related to the Ministry's management areas. We will evaluate and screen young staff after training and development, in conjunction with the work of planning, arranging, using and appointing staff.

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra
Reporter: How is the testing and training program implemented, Minister?
Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra: We divide it into 2 phases. Phase 1 from 2023 - 2026, through the first preliminary round, the Ministry has selected 26 cadres, civil servants and public employees who meet the standards to enter the assessment round. In this phase, we strive to send 100% of the project's young cadres after being assessed to participate in training and fostering domestically or abroad in political theory; expertise, skills and profession.
These young cadres will be given attention and supplemented in the planning according to the required standards and conditions; at the same time, based on the results of training, striving and performing tasks with specific and outstanding work products, they will be appointed to leadership positions at all levels suitable to their capacity and strengths according to the annual plan. The goal is to strive to appoint about 10% of young cadres (under 45 years old) of the project to hold leadership and management positions at the department level and equivalent.
Phase 2 from 2026 - 2030, after participating in training and development courses, cadres will be proposed to competent authorities for consideration and appointment to a position 1 level higher than the current position and strive to supplement the planning of Deputy Minister positions with at least 1 cadre currently holding the position of deputy department head under 45 years old.
In addition, we will consider and add young cadres under 40 years old of the project to the planning of leadership at the Department level and equivalent; at the same time, strive to appoint about 15% of these young cadres to hold leadership and management positions at the Department level and equivalent.
Reporter: Minister, can you tell us what conditions and standards candidates need to meet to participate in the project?
Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra: Candidates participating in the project are young cadres who need to meet at least one of two general criteria: Being assessed by the employing agency or unit as having qualities, practical capacity, prestige and development prospects; 3 consecutive years of good performance or more, including 1 year of excellent performance.
Regarding specific standards, these officers are assigned to directly advise on the development of at least 2 legal documents or scientific research topics, projects at the ministerial level or higher, which are accepted and issued (including at least 1 legal document).
For young cadres recruited under Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP of the Government on policies to attract and create cadres from excellent graduates and young scientists, they must participate in the development of at least 1 legal document or scientific research topic, project at the ministerial level or higher and must be accepted and issued.
We also stipulate priority subjects to participate in the project in the following order: Cadres holding the positions of Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department and equivalent of units under and directly under the Ministry; cadres planned for leadership and management positions; cadres with awards from provincial level or higher during their time studying at high school, university and postgraduate levels (priority is given to cadres with higher level awards); cadres who are ethnic minorities; cadres who are female.
After being elected, candidates will be trained and fostered domestically in knowledge, skills, leadership and management methods; political theory; fostering of specialized skills and expertise; rank standards; leadership and management title standards; foreign languages.
The Ministry also organizes at least one short-term training course on administrative and public service English for all young staff of the project so that young staff have the ability to communicate and study in English abroad. The form of direct learning in the country with foreign reporters.
In addition, young cadres will be trained abroad in knowledge and skills according to the requirements of leadership and management positions and the requirements of professional and technical positions to improve the capacity of young cadres. Every year, the Ministry of Home Affairs organizes at least one short-term training course abroad, each course sends 4-7 young cadres of the project to participate, combining study, research and practical surveys. At the same time, the Ministry integrates sending cadres to participate in training programs abroad organized by the Ministry or other ministries and branches.
We promote international cooperation in training young cadres; select countries with modern public administration and capable and prestigious training and development institutions to send young cadres to study in accordance with the specific topics and content of the training course. In particular, we prioritize choosing Japan, France, Singapore and some other advanced countries.
In addition to training and fostering, we will mobilize and second these young cadres to foster and train their political qualities, challenge and improve their professional and technical qualifications, and acquire knowledge and experience in different practical environments. From there, we will promote their abilities, strengths and create development prospects for young cadres.

Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters
Reporter: So how will young cadres be evaluated and promoted after being trained?
Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra: The collective leadership of the cadre management agency and the unit employing young cadres must conduct a survey to collect comments and assessments on the contents related to young cadres of the project. Based on the assessment results, the units of the Ministry will classify the quality of cadres; assess the development prospects; propose to continue to retain in the project or remove from the project.
In cases where the candidates meet the standard requirements of the position, have outstanding abilities and potential for development in leadership and management positions at all levels, they should boldly propose and arrange for appointment to a number of leadership and management positions.
In addition, the collective leadership of agencies and units using cadres must regularly review, discover and propose new qualified factors to propose to add to the project. The Department of Organization and Personnel synthesizes, appraises and reports the results of comments and assessments on project cadres, cases removed from the project, cases added to the project and the results of project plan implementation in the year to the Party Executive Committee of the Ministry for consideration and decision. On that basis, develop a plan to implement the project for the following year.
Young cadres in the project who are expected to be appointed must make a report on the results of their tasks and send it to the Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Party committees, agencies and units employing cadres shall evaluate cadres according to the title standards and criteria for cadre evaluation according to current regulations. When evaluating, focus on evaluating the results of performing assigned duties and tasks according to the assigned field of work and work, taking "specific products" in the assigned field and task as the criteria for evaluation.
In addition, we also evaluate the capacity for innovation and creativity; evaluate the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, daring to break through, daring to take responsibility, words matching actions; evaluate the ability to quickly adapt to practical situations, decisiveness and efficiency in work.
Reporter: This is a new pilot initiative, the Ministry of Home Affairs is the first agency among the ministries, branches and central agencies to implement it. After implementation, does the Minister consider replicating this model to many other ministries, branches and localities, or even institutionalizing it into a common model?
Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra: As I have mentioned, personnel work is the "key" of Party building and the political system, the "key of keys". Proactively creating a source of cadres, especially young leaders who meet the requirements of quality, capacity, and prestige equal to the task, will ensure long-term, sustainable development and succession between generations of cadres. To do this, it is impossible for each cadre, civil servant, and public employee to do it themselves, but requires preparation from the organization. Only then will we achieve success, select young leaders at all levels who are of better quality and better meet the requirements of the task.
The project to train and develop young leaders at all levels is a pilot project. We initially determined to do it while learning from experience, gradually improving step by step and not being perfectionist. After 5 years of implementation, the Ministry of Home Affairs will make a comprehensive and specific assessment.
Based on the implementation results, if effective, we will propose to the Government and the Prime Minister to develop a project for implementation in central and local ministries and branches. From there, we will perfect the legal system and have a long-term strategy to build and create a source of young leaders and managers at all levels with good qualities, capacity, and appropriate structure, contributing to building a professional, modern and effective administration, meeting the requirements of the new period.
We also expect that the project of the Ministry of Home Affairs can be replicated in other ministries and branches, contributing to reforming the civil service system, building a team of leaders and managers at all levels, especially at the strategic level, equal to the task, and building a professional, modern and effective administration.
Reporter: Thank you very much, Minister!
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