Accordingly, the training program is free for 30 workers who need vocational training in the period 2024 - 2026. The total training cost is estimated at 900 million VND.

Training period is 6 months, students study 6 days/week, morning study theory, customer care skills, sales skills; afternoon study practice.
After 3 months of vocational training, students can both study and work with a basic salary of 6 - 8 million VND/month, depending on the skills of each student. At the end of the course, students are granted a vocational training certificate and are offered jobs on the spot or are introduced to work at the company's branches.
On this occasion, Thu Duc City Social Security Center also introduced and signed a free haircut model and "Thu Duc Fashion Closet of Love" for students and workers in Thu Duc City for the period 2024-2026.
For the "Thu Duc Fashion Cabinet of Love" including clothes, bags, shoes, sandals, etc., serving the above subjects, with the motto of whoever has excess can give, whoever needs can receive, it will be carried out in early September 2024, every Tuesday.
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