From 1950 to present, Vinh Phuc province has changed its administrative boundaries many times. Over the periods, the agency doing ethnic work in the province has also had different names such as: Department of Settlement (from 1986 to 2000, under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development); Department of Religion - Ethnicity and Mountainous Areas (from 2000 to 2004, under the Office of the Provincial People's Committee); Vinh Phuc Provincial Ethnic and Religious Committee (from August 9, 2004 to April 2008); Vinh Phuc Provincial Ethnic Committee (April 4, 2008 to present).
From 2004 to present, the Ethnic Committee has been awarded the "Emulation Flag" by the Provincial People's Committee 4 times (2007, 2011, 2015, 2021), once by the Government's Committee for Religious Affairs (2005); twice by the Prime Minister (2011, 2019); in 2012 by the Government awarded the "Excellent Emulation Flag"; in 2013 by the State awarded the Third Labor Medal. Many departments and professional units of the Ethnic Committee have also been awarded the "Emulation Flag" by the Provincial People's Committee every year. Many collectives and individuals have been awarded Certificates of Merit by the Prime Minister, the Minister, Chairman of the Ethnic Committee and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Over the past 20 years, despite changes in organizational structure, since its establishment, under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, the direction of the Provincial People's Committee, the Ethnic Committee, and the coordination of all levels and sectors from the province to the grassroots, the Vinh Phuc Ethnic Committee has performed well its assigned functions and tasks, and ethnic work in the province has achieved many important results.
Accordingly, the ethnic policies of the Party and the State have been implemented synchronously, promptly and effectively, such as: Program 135, Program 134; loan policy for production development for ethnic minority households in extremely difficult areas, according to Decision No. 32/2007/QD-TTg; policy on direct support for people in poor households in difficult areas, according to Decision No. 102/2009/QD-TTg; policy for prestigious people in ethnic minorities, according to Decision No. 18/2011/QD-TTg, Decision No. 11/2018/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, policies on health, education, culture, information, communication, legal aid, etc.

In particular, from 2021 to present, the Ethnic Committee has advised and organized the implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021-2030, phase I, from 2021-2025,
The invested infrastructure works have been effective, many new roads have been opened to villages in mountainous communes; the culture of ethnic groups has been respected, preserved and promoted; the cultural and spiritual life of the people has been improved; education and training have had many changes and achieved encouraging results; the work of protecting and taking care of people's health has been given attention; the material life of the people has been gradually improved and enhanced; the great solidarity of ethnic groups has been strengthened; national security and defense has been maintained; the political system has been regularly consolidated...

The above results have contributed to changing the appearance of the province's ethnic minority and mountainous areas. In the period 1997-2005, Vinh Phuc province had 06 extremely disadvantaged communes; in the period 2006-2013, there were 03 extremely disadvantaged communes and 18 extremely disadvantaged villages in 14 communes in the KVII; in the period 2014-2016, there was 01 extremely disadvantaged commune (Yen Duong), 07 villages in 2 communes in the KVII (Dao Tru, Bo Ly); in the period 2017-2020, there were only 03 extremely disadvantaged villages in Dao Tru commune.
According to Decision No. 582/QD-TTg dated April 28, 2017 of the Prime Minister approving the list of extremely disadvantaged villages, communes in area III, area II, area I in the ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2016-2020, Vinh Phuc province has 40 communes and towns in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, including 29 communes in area I, 11 communes in area II, no more communes in area III, and 03 extremely disadvantaged villages.
According to Decision No. 861/QD-TTg dated June 4, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the list of communes in Region III, Region II, Region I of the ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021-2025, Vinh Phuc province only has 11 communes and towns in Region I. Currently, 100% of communes in the ethnic minority and mountainous areas have been recognized as meeting new rural standards. In particular, the poverty rate decreased from 14.52% in 2011 to 2.7% in 2020 and by the end of 2023 to 1.09% (the overall poverty rate of the whole province is 0.69%)...
From 2021 to present, Vinh Phuc has no more extremely disadvantaged communes and villages, becoming the first province in the country to complete the goals of Program 135.

However, the ethnic minority and mountainous areas of the province still face many difficulties, the material and spiritual life of a part of the people is still low, the poverty rate is still high compared to other areas of the province... The task of ethnic work in the coming period sets great responsibility for the agencies doing ethnic work from the province to the grassroots level, it is necessary to strongly innovate ethnic work methods, improve the quality of advice, and perform well the assigned functions and tasks.
In the immediate future, the Provincial Ethnic Committee will focus on advising the Provincial People's Committee to direct the implementation of Conclusion No. 65-KL/TW of the Politburo on continuing to implement Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW on ethnic work in the new situation; Ethnic work strategy to 2030, orientation to 2045 and especially advising the Provincial People's Committee to lead and direct the effective implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021-2030.
In the long term, as the agency responsible for ethnic affairs of the province, the Vinh Phuc Ethnic Committee also determined that it is necessary to continue to do a good job of advising Party committees and authorities at all levels to effectively implement ethnic affairs and ethnic policies suitable to each region and locality, meeting the requirements and aspirations of ethnic minorities in mountainous areas. Thereby, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life of ethnic minorities, improving the level of development to gradually eliminate the gap between mountainous areas and plains; joining hands with all levels and sectors to build Vinh Phuc province to be more and more civilized and prosperous.

On December 28, 2023, the People's Committee of Vinh Phuc province issued Decision No. 55/2023/QD-UBND on regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Vinh Phuc province. Accordingly, the organizational structure of the Committee includes 2 departments and divisions: Department of Ethnic Minorities Policy, Office. For the district level: Tam Dao district has the Department of Ethnic Minorities, 4 districts and cities (Lap Thach, Song Lo, Binh Xuyen, Phuc Yen) ethnic work is assigned to the Office of the People's Council & People's Committee to implement; the commune level arranges 1 officer to be in charge of ethnic work concurrently.
Source: https://baodantoc.vn/ban-dan-toc-vinh-phuc-voi-chang-duong-20-nam-xay-dung-va-phat-trien-1723121143799.htm
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