Breast milk contains many important nutrients that are indispensable for the development of infants and young children, especially in the first 6 months of life. However, over time, the nutritional content of milk will change. So what to eat to make breast milk thicker? MEDLATEC experts will suggest to mothers some "golden" foods to help make milk thicker and more fragrant in the article below.
1. What are the benefits of concentrated breast milk?
Breast milk changes over time and during breastfeeding to meet the nutritional needs of the baby. When breast milk is thick, it often contains more fat and calories, helping the baby gain weight and develop well. Experts recommend that babies under 6 months of age should be exclusively breastfed to supplement nutrition and necessary antibodies. The wonderful benefits of thick breast milk include:
Provide energy and nutrients
Breast milk is rich in fat and calories, providing the energy needed for your baby's growth and development. The fat in breast milk is also important for the development of your baby's brain and nervous system.
The thicker the breast milk, the higher the nutritional value.
Boost immune system
Breast milk contains antibodies, white blood cells and other immune factors that help protect babies from infections and support the development of a strong immune system.
Digestive support
Breast milk is rich in easily digestible nutrients and enzymes that support your baby's digestive system. This helps your baby absorb nutrients efficiently and reduces the risk of digestive problems such as gas and constipation.
Promote weight gain in children
Concentrated breast milk helps children gain weight steadily and maintain ideal weight, ensuring comprehensive physical development.
Concentrated breast milk will help your baby gain weight and develop comprehensively.
In addition, the ingredients in concentrated breast milk also help increase the child's cognitive ability. In addition, children who are exclusively breastfed with high nutritional content often have fewer speech-related disabilities because the musculoskeletal system in the mouth and cheeks develops synchronously.
What to eat to make breast milk thicker is a common question of many mothers, especially first-time mothers.
Foods that help thicken breast milk
To ensure nutritious milk, mothers need to provide a full and balanced supply of the following foods:
- Protein-rich foods: Protein is an important component of breast milk. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, beans, soy and dairy products will help improve the quality of breast milk and provide DHA for both mother and baby.
- Healthy fats: Healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6 found in salmon, avocados, nuts, olive oil, and flaxseed oil are not only good for mom's health but also help increase the fat content of breast milk.
- Green vegetables and fruits: Green vegetables and fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals for the body. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, etc. and fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and avocados are all very good for the mother's health and the quality of milk.
- Whole grains: Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, barley, etc. provide energy, fiber and essential nutrients and help make breast milk thicker.
- Drink enough water: Water is an important factor to maintain milk supply. Mothers should drink enough filtered water every day, can supplement with fruit and vegetable juice to ensure the body is always hydrated.
A scientific diet will help improve the quality of breast milk.
Things to do to improve milk quality
In addition to paying attention to nutrition, mothers need to pay attention to the following issues to improve milk quality:
- Limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, processed foods, and foods or drinks high in sugar or saturated fat. These foods can affect the quality of your milk and your health.
- Rest and relaxation help improve the quality of breast milk. Try to get enough sleep to increase the body's ability to produce milk. Do not do heavy work, overwork, limit staying up late, etc. In addition, mothers should also pay attention to avoid stressful problems because it not only affects the quality of milk but also increases the risk of postpartum depression.
- You can exercise with gentle exercises, relax with yoga, meditation, walking, etc. to increase blood circulation and improve health, quickly recover after giving birth, thereby improving milk quality.
- Breastfeed your baby regularly and properly: Breastfeed your baby at least every 2-3 hours, even at night, to stimulate milk production. In addition, make sure your baby latches on correctly, with his mouth covering the areola properly to suckle easily and effectively.
- If your baby cannot breastfeed or you produce too much milk, you can pump and store it in the freezer for your baby to use gradually.
- Before and after feeding your baby or pumping milk, clean your nipples thoroughly.
- Do not breastfeed your baby immediately after you come home from outside.
- In case the diet does not meet the needs to produce milk, the mother can consult a doctor about using support products.
- Avoid places with a lot of cigarette smoke, polluted environments or containing toxic chemicals.
- If you have any unusual health problems, ask your doctor about whether any treatments will affect the quality of your milk or whether you can breastfeed your baby.
- Monitor your child's development and milk quality every day. If you see that your child is slow to develop or that the milk shows signs of abnormality, consult your doctor for timely advice.
Instructions on how to store breast milk after expressing it
Hopefully the answer to the question of what to eat to make breast milk thicker and some notes to help improve milk quality above has helped you gain more useful knowledge. Maintaining a healthy, scientific lifestyle combined with a nutritious diet will help breast milk become thicker, thereby the baby also receives the best source of nutrition for comprehensive physical and mental development.
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