5 Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Apnea


People with sleep apnea can face many dangerous complications, which can even cause stroke and death. Recognizing the signs and getting timely treatment is very important to protect the health and life of the patient.

1. Overview of the situation

People with the above syndrome often have complete or intermittent sleep apnea with an average frequency of about 10 times/night, each apnea lasting about 10 seconds, after which the patient's respiratory system will be stimulated again, causing them to breathe rapidly.

Because it occurs during sleep, the patient is completely unaware that he or she has apnea. If the patient sleeps with another person and the other person does not notice, it is difficult to detect this condition of the patient.

People with sleep apnea are often unaware of the situation.

People with sleep apnea are often unaware of the situation.

2. Sleep apnea syndrome - what is the cause?

Due to airway obstruction

As the airways become narrowed and blocked, they do not receive enough oxygen, leading to disruptions in breathing. This disruption can cause a sleep cycle. People who are obese or have tonsillitis often experience this condition.

Due to health problems

Simply put, central sleep apnea is caused by a health problem that affects the brain's control of breathing, meaning the brain cannot send the necessary signals for breathing. This leads to short and repeated episodes of apnea.

3. What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

As mentioned above, recognizing the symptoms of sleep apnea is very important to control the disease and prevent danger. So what are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

For obstructive sleep apnea

People with obstructive sleep apnea have symptoms that are easily confused with other health problems such as:

  • Very sleepy during the day and sleep a lot.
  • Poor sleep at night, often waking up in the middle of the night.
  • When sleeping there is loud snoring, interrupted.
  • I often wake up with a headache and dry mouth.
  • Fatigue, decreased concentration.

Ngưng thở khi ngủ do tắc nghẽn khiến người bệnh <a src= tired when waking up">

Obstructive sleep apnea makes people tired when they wake up

For central sleep apnea

It can be difficult for people with central sleep apnea to know they have the condition because the symptoms can only be detected by the person they sleep with.

  • Abnormal breathing during sleep, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes even stopping breathing.
  • Sometimes there are attacks of shortness of breath accompanied by chest pain.
  • Sleep a lot during the day and have trouble sleeping at night.
  • Waking up in the morning with a headache, feeling lethargic and having trouble concentrating.

4. Is sleep apnea dangerous?

The answer is yes, this condition causes many effects not only on health but also on the spirit and psychology of the patient. In some cases, it even causes stroke and death. Specifically, below are the complications that patients may encounter when suffering from this syndrome.

  • Memory is affected, gradually declines, concentration is lost, leading to learning outcomes or work quality decline and stagnation.
  • Fatigue, discomfort, irritability, and crankiness, if prolonged, can increase the risk of anxiety disorders and depression.
  • Work accidents, traffic accidents due to drowsiness while working, driving,...
  • Aggravates symptoms of high blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart failure, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, etc.
  • Increased risk of complications during anesthesia for surgery.
  • Stroke, death.

Sleep apnea syndrome causes many harmful effects on the health and spirit of the patient.

Sleep apnea syndrome causes many harmful effects on the health and spirit of the patient.

5. How to treat and prevent sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is treated and prevented with the following measures.


Before treatment, the doctor diagnoses the disease by measuring sleep polygraphy (recording physiological changes that occur during sleep with a specialized measuring device) and ENT endoscopy to find the cause of airway obstruction.

To treat mild cases, doctors will prescribe sleep aids such as jaw splints. For moderate cases, patients will be given a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to breathe while sleeping. In the most severe cases, surgery is needed to widen the airway.


Sleep apnea can be controlled and prevented by taking the following measures.

  • Lose weight and keep your weight under control because people who are obese are at higher risk of sleep apnea.
  • Be active and exercise because it not only helps you lose weight but also helps improve health problems, thereby reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea syndrome.
  • Make sure the bedroom is airy, clean, not stuffy, cramped, stuffy or has a lot of dust and bacteria.
  • Choose the most comfortable sleeping position, avoid sleeping on your back.
  • Do not smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke to avoid triggering and worsening sleep apnea symptoms.
  • For people at high risk of this syndrome such as the elderly over 65 years old, people with ear, nose and throat diseases, etc., they need to have regular health check-ups twice a year.
  • If diagnosed with the disease, it is important to follow your doctor's treatment schedule and regimen to control the disease.

Exercise and lose weight to prevent obesity and reduce the risk of sleep apnea

Exercise and lose weight to prevent obesity and reduce the risk of sleep apnea

Above are 5 frequently asked questions about sleep apnea syndrome. If you suspect you have this disease, please visit the Respiratory Department of MEDLATEC Healthcare System for examination and treatment.

You can also make an appointment easily and conveniently via hotline 1900 56 56 56.

Source: https://medlatec.vn/tin-tuc/5-thac-mac-thuong-gap-ve-hoi-chung-ngung-tho-khi-ngu

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