Every child is unique, but if you're wondering whether your child has the innate potential to excel above his or her peers or possess above-average intelligence, researchers believe there are several signs that can help parents figure it out.

Let's take a look at the following 7 signs:
1. Children have good memories
To find out if your child is gifted, the best place to start is by analyzing their ability to remember things. According to experts at the New Children's Center, "If your child can remember events from the past, such as where a toy was hidden, or can quickly recognize faces and places, these are signs that they are gifted." A good memory is considered a useful skill at any age.
Try testing your child's memory or even stimulating them by doing some memory-based activities or games. Parents can help improve that memory with some hands-on games.
2. The child seems pensive.
Have you ever noticed that your child just stares at an object or in the distance? If so, chances are your child is showing deep thinking and concentration. Smart children start observing things from a young age. Obviously, there will be times when your child just stares at you, lost in thought, but there will be times when they are thinking and learning. They absorb so much from their surroundings that adults are often surprised by how much they already know.
3. Children can draw conclusions and make connections between information
Consider your ability as an adult to draw conclusions and make connections between pieces of information. For example, if you see someone making a sandwich, you can infer that they are hungry and want to eat. This is no big deal to us. But, for your child, the ability to draw conclusions and make inferences at a young age is a good indicator of what will happen when they grow up, they will be ahead of their peers.
4. Children like to hang out with older people
Experts say if your child has a natural preference or finds it easy to play with older people, they may grow up to be smarter. Children who like older people are not only stimulated from a mature perspective, but they also learn more, which helps boost their cognitive development.
5. Language skills
Children who show early verbal development are more likely to grow up to be more intelligent than typical children. You may think your child is just chatting, but when your child speaks early and often, it is a good sign that he is trying to express his thoughts and develop his thinking at a faster rate!
6. Children can express emotions better than normal children
If your child shows his or her emotions, it may not be a bad thing. "Gifted children have more intense emotions than others, are more sensitive to the feelings of others, and show great empathy," says educational psychologist Dr. David Palmer.
So if your child sometimes shows emotional sensitivity, remember that this is important for their cognitive development, not just their emotional development.
7. Children love reading books
Gifted children often show an interest in reading before they start school. They tend to choose books that are above their grade level and show an interest in specific topics such as nature, the universe, etc. When they read books regularly, they will have the opportunity to think, reason, and "get lost" in the world of their own imagination. If parents discover that their children like to read, they should support them by asking about the topics they like, then discussing and finding books on the same topic with their children.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/neu-con-ban-co-7-dau-hieu-nay-truoc-3-tuoi-thi-xin-chuc-mung-tre-co-chi-so-iq-cao-hon-hau-het-cac-ban-cung-trang-lua-172240811093433567.htm
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