Hanoi University of Science and Technology Admission Time 2024
The 2024 university admission time of each school is different, taking place after the online admission confirmation step according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
After being admitted, to be careful not to be unfairly rejected, before 5:00 p.m. on August 27, candidates should confirm their first round of online admission on the Ministry of Education and Training's system.
Candidates who have confirmed their admission will not be allowed to register for the next admission, except in cases where the principal or director of the training institution allows them not to enroll.
According to the fanpage about Hanoi University of Science and Technology admissions, the expected admission time for Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2024 is 3 days: August 28, August 29 and August 30, 2024.

K68 students of Hanoi University of Science and Technology at the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 school year. Photo: Duy Thanh/HUST
In 2024, the total expected enrollment target of Hanoi University of Science and Technology is 9,260 students with 3 enrollment methods: Talent selection method accounts for about 20% of the target; selection method based on thinking assessment test scores accounts for about 30%; selection method based on 2024 high school graduation exam scores accounts for about 50%.
With the talent selection method, Hanoi University of Science and Technology conducts direct admission according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. The admission subjects are candidates who graduated from high school in 2024, achieved high results in the excellent student exam, the Science and Technology competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, including:
Candidates who are summoned to attend the national team selection exam for the International Olympic competition or win first, second, or third prizes in the national gifted student selection exam will be considered for direct admission to majors appropriate to the subjects they won the prize for.
Candidates in the National team participating in the International Science and Technology Competition or winning First, Second, or Third prizes in the National Science and Technology Competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Training will be directly admitted to the field of study appropriate to the field of the competition topic.
In addition, the school considers candidates with international certificates with an average GPA of 8.0 or higher in each year of grades 10, 11, and 12; and has at least 1 of the following international certificates: SAT, ACT, A-Level, AP, and IB.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology also considers admission based on competency profiles combined with interviews with candidates graduating from high school in 2024, with an average score of 8.0 or higher in cultural subjects (except for Physical Education and National Defense Education) in each year of grade 10, 11 and 12 and meeting at least one of the following conditions:
Selected to participate in the National Excellent Student Exam organized by the Ministry of Education and Training or won First, Second, Third, Fourth or Encouragement prizes in the Provincial/City-level Excellent Student Exam organized by the Department of Education and Training (or equivalent organized by National Universities, Regional Universities) in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Foreign Languages, and Combinations during high school.
Selected to participate in the National Science and Technology Competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Selected to participate in the Road to Olympia contest organized by Vietnam Television from the monthly round and above.
Those with an international IELTS (academic) certificate of 6.0 or higher (or other equivalent English certificates) can apply for admission to the majors of English Language, Economics - Management, Educational Technology, and Educational Management.
Specialized students (including Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Foreign Languages) of high schools and specialized high schools nationwide, specialized classes, specialized systems of universities, national universities, regional universities.
With the admission method based on the thinking assessment test score, Hanoi University of Science and Technology admits candidates to participate in the thinking assessment test organized by Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Candidates are required to have graduated from high school and reach the thinking assessment test score threshold set by the school.
With the admission method based on the 2024 high school graduation exam scores, candidates are required to graduate from high school in 2024 and reach the floor score set by Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Admission combinations A00, A01, A02, B00, D01, D07, D26, D28 and D29 (depending on each training program).
In 2024, Hanoi University of Science and Technology plans to enroll 64 training programs, including: 36 mass programs (standard programs), 23 high-quality programs, 2 international training cooperation programs, and 2 PFIEV programs.
Source: https://danviet.vn/thoi-gian-nhap-hoc-dai-hoc-bach-khoa-ha-noi-2024-moi-nhat-20240814152656395.htm
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