On the morning of August 6, 2024, in Hanoi, implementing the direction of the Chief of the General Department of Politics (GDC), the Military Women's Committee (MWD) held a conference to review preschool education work in the 2023-2024 school year; opening a training course on professional skills for managers and preschool teachers in the Army in 2024.
Authorized by the Chief of the General Staff, Colonel Nguyen Thi Thu Hien - Member of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, Head of the Women's Union Committee - chaired the Conference.
Attending the conference were representatives of the Department of Preschool Education, the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers, the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training); the Faculty of Preschool Education, Hanoi National University of Education; the Preschool Department, the Department of Education and Training of Hanoi City; representatives of the Head of the Office of the Central Military Commission; the Department of Schools, the Department of Logistics (General Staff); heads of political agencies, heads of the Department of Mass Affairs, women's assistants of units under the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense with preschool education facilities; representatives of functional agencies under the Central Military Commission, the General Staff and nearly 150 managers and teachers of 63 preschool education facilities attending the training.
In the 2023-2024 school year, preschool education in the Army has always received the attention and direction of the Head of the Ministry of National Defense, the Head of the General Staff, Party committees, political commissars, commanders, and political agencies at all levels; the attention and guidance on professional matters of the Department of Preschool Education (Ministry of Education and Training), and the efforts of the team of managers and preschool teachers, so the school year's tasks have been successfully completed according to the set plan. The entire Army currently has 63 preschool education facilities (209 schools), a decrease of 3 preschool education facilities compared to the previous school year (TCKT: 1 school; TCCNQP: 1 school; Army Corps 16: 1 school).
Many units are interested in and facilitate the training to improve qualifications and professional skills for managers and teachers. The rate of managers and preschool teachers with standard and above-standard training is 98.57% (an increase of 5.89% compared to the previous school year). Of which, the rate of achieving graduate, university and college degrees is 54.67% (meeting the implementation roadmap according to Decree 71/2020/ND-CP of the Government).
Many units have continued to build, upgrade and repair new facilities, schools and classrooms; equipment has been invested in to meet the requirements of child care and education based on the child-centered perspective, with many positive changes. The work of assessing the quality of education and building national standard preschools has been well implemented by some units with conditions. Last school year, 2 preschools under the TCCNQP achieved Level 2 and Level 3 educational quality assessment and were recognized as national standard preschools at Level 1 and Level 2.
Many preschools have actively innovated methods and forms of organizing the educational environment in implementing the preschool education program, creating opportunities for children to learn through play and experience, gradually improving the quality of nurturing, caring for and educating children. In the past school year, preschools in the Army received and educated more than 12,000 preschool children of school age; including nearly 2,500 ethnic minority children; and implemented quality inclusive education for dozens of children with disabilities. 209 schools in the entire army have ensured absolute physical and mental safety for 100% of children going to school... These results have continued to affirm the maturity and positive development of the Army preschools, creating prestige and widespread influence in preschools nationwide. Notably, a preschool teacher in the Army was awarded the noble title of Meritorious Teacher by the President.
However, due to the specific nature of the unit's stationing, many schools are located in remote, border areas, the main school is 10-50km away from the separate school, transportation is difficult, many classes are mixed; many schools have 100% of children from ethnic minorities (multi-ethnic groups concentrated in 1 school); thus affecting the quality of implementing the Early Childhood Education Program and the implementation of the Development Standards for 5-year-old children.

Colonel Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Head of the Military Women's Committee, spoke at the Conference.
Speaking at the Conference, Colonel Nguyen Thi Thu Hien acknowledged and commended the efforts to rise with good results in the work of preschool education in the Army in the 2023-2024 school year. The Head of the Military Preschool Education Department requested that units with preschool education facilities throughout the army focus on performing well the following tasks:
Firstly , leaders and commanders of units with preschool education facilities need to continue to thoroughly grasp the Party's viewpoints on education and training, continue to pay comprehensive attention to training, fostering and improving the capacity and qualifications of the team of managers and preschool teachers in the unit; invest in facilities; pay attention to the aspirations and thoughts of the team of cadres, teachers and employees regarding policies and employment.
Second , the departments, offices, and assistants in charge of women's work at 13 agencies and units under the Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense with GDMN facilities continue to further improve the quality of advice and proposals; maximize the attention and facilitation of leaders, commanders, and functional agencies at all levels to improve the quality and effectiveness of management and organization of GDMN activities in the Army.
Third , units with preschool facilities need to continue to closely coordinate with Party committees, authorities, departments, branches, organizations, especially the local education sector in the area where they are stationed to carry out preschool work to improve the quality of child care, nurturing, and education.
Fourth , the team of managers and preschool teachers must closely follow the school year's tasks, promote initiative, innovate in building educational plans, develop school programs suitable to the practical conditions of the unit and locality, meet the requirements of the preschool education program to improve the quality of nurturing, caring for and educating children. Focus on doing a good job of propaganda, socializing education, actively coordinating between families, schools, and society, and enhancing responsibility for the care and education of preschool children.
At the Conference, delegates discussed, spoke, and exchanged valuable experiences as well as limitations and shortcomings that still exist in the process of organizing and implementing the task of nurturing, caring for, and educating children at the unit's preschool education facilities, creating a basis for agencies, units, management staff, teachers, and employees of preschool education facilities throughout the army to better perform preschool education work in the new school year.

Individuals awarded Certificates of Merit
Also within the framework of the Conference, 33 collectives and 63 individuals of units under the Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense with preschool education facilities achieving outstanding achievements in performing tasks in the 2023-2024 school year were awarded Certificates of Merit by the Head of the General Department of Education and Training.
After the summary conference, managers and teachers of 63 preschool education facilities across the army will continue to participate in professional training until August 8, 2024.
Source: https://phunuvietnam.vn/giao-duc-mam-non-trong-quan-doi-khong-ngung-phan-dau-vuon-len-cung-cap-hoc-mam-non-ca-nuoc-20240806161652305.htm
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