More trains from Hai Phong to Lao Cai to run during the September 2nd holiday

Báo Giao thôngBáo Giao thông19/11/2024

Hanoi Railway Transport Joint Stock Company said it will increase passenger trains between Hai Phong and Lao Cai during the National Day holiday on September 2 to meet the increasing travel demand of people.

Accordingly, the Hanoi - Hai Phong route, in addition to the current 4 pairs of trains running regularly every day, will run 7 more trains.

Chạy thêm nhiều tàu Hải Phòng, Lào Cai dịp nghỉ lễ 2/9- Ảnh 1.

Railways run more trains to Hai Phong and Lao Cai during the National Day holiday on September 2.

Specifically, departing from Hanoi station, train LP9 will run on August 31 and September 1, and train HP3 on August 31.

In the opposite direction, departing from Hai Phong station, there will be an additional train LP10 on September 1, and a train HP4 on September 2 and 3. Departing from Hai Duong station, there will be an additional train HD2 on September 3.

Hanoi - Lao Cai route, additional train SP7 departs from Hanoi station from August 22 to 30; train SP8 departs from Lao Cai station from August 23 to 31.

Previously, Hanoi Railway Transport Joint Stock Company said that during the September 2 holiday, the railway will maintain regular train pairs on the Hanoi - Saigon routes and increase trains on other routes.

Hanoi - Thanh Hoa route, additional TH1 train departing from Hanoi station on August 31; TH2 train departing from Thanh Hoa station on September 2 and September 3, 2024.

Hanoi - Vinh route, add NA3 train departing from Hanoi station on August 30 and August 31, 2024; NA4 train departing from Vinh station on September 2 and September 3, 2024.

Hanoi - Dong Hoi route, two more trains QB1, SE17 departing from Hanoi station on August 30; train QB2 departing from Dong Hoi station on September 2 and September 3, 2024.

During the National Day holiday on September 2nd, from August 29th to September 3rd, the railway applies many ticket discount policies.

When purchasing a round-trip ticket, you will receive a 5% discount on the return ticket price for individuals and a 7% discount on the return ticket price for groups of 20 people or more.

Maintain the ticket discount policy for policy beneficiaries such as Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, seriously wounded soldiers, the elderly, children, etc.


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